Celebrating 50 and Growing Old Disgracefully
This week is quite an important milestone for me – I am going to be 50! And I am strangely comfortable with it – I don’t really feel any different than I did when I was 30. Sure I have a ton more life-experience and have been through some tough times that tested my strength as well as plenty of amazing happy times too. But I like to think that Leigh and I both have a very young outlook on life – and I think that is what matters, not the number on your Birthday Cards!
And our amazing clients never cease to be an inspiration to me. We get a lot more ladies in their 50s & 60s coming for boudoir shoots than in their 20s these days. I actually think that younger girls are less confident than those in the 40-60 age range. I’m not sure whether it’s because of the pressure to be perfect from what they see on social media or whether it’s just that as we get older we are kinder to ourselves and care less about what other people think š
Either way, our “mid-life” ladies are rocking it in our studio as you can see from the pictures here! Whatever your age, it’s always the right time to treat yourself and indulge in an amazing experience that will give you some extra va-va-voom.
Check out our Shoots or Get in Touch with me to find out more or to check available dates for your shoot. Call Zena on 0118 9835154 or Email Me Now