Putting the Sexy Back into Boudoir!
Over the last 13 years we have probably redesigned our website 7 or 8 times! Technology moves so fast and we have to keep pace and make sure our website looks great on all kinds of devices and screens. From phones, to tablets, laptops to desktops, and in all the different internet browsers that people use…it is a headache for anyone who relies on their website to be their “shop window”.
It hardly seems like 2 minutes since we did our last website overhaul. But after creating www.MightyBoudoirPhotography.co.uk so that we could have a work-safe version of our site, we realised that our old Mighty Aphrodite site was a bit clunky and hard to navigate on smaller screens. So web-whizz Leigh donned his WebMaster hat and came up with the new design that would make our images look amazing and the vast amounts of information (that I feel the need to include on the site) easier to find and understand.
We also had a long look at our existing site and realised that it really wasn’t a great representation of what we are about any more. We have had so many problems over the last couple of years with social media, search engines and ISPs blocking our site that we diluted the content to make it “safe” and moved away from what we are best at – creating gorgeous arty nudes and sexy boudoir with a raunchy edge. This is what has always separated us from the competition and was always our USP right from when we started in 2004.
So we have worked hard to recapture our sexier side with the new website. Yes we will probably be blocked by more ISPs and we will have to eventually implement age-verification ahead of the new Digital Economy Act which commences in April 2018. But we don’t want to be like all the other “fluffy” boudoir sites out there. Our style is arty, modern, edgy and bloody sexy!
We still keep our most erotic images and our Boudoir Videos in our Confidential Collection gallery – you have to sign up to see these so it means nobody can “accidentally” come across our edgier more revealing images and be taken by surprise.
We do still have our softer Mighty Boudoir website, but Mighty Aphrodite has gone back to it’s roots – check out our new improved website and see how we can bring out YOUR sexy side 🙂 New Mighty Aphrodite Website