Boudoir Photos Too Hot for The Sun

As you may have read on our Facebook Page in May we had a visit from a journalist and photographer who interviewed me about our Boudoir Photography and how our clients have photos done as a gift for their partner.  This was for The Sun newspaper and was to be part of a story about how Kate was giving a portrait of herself to Prince William for his 30th Birthday.
zenasunThey also interviewed one of our clients about her shoot and we had permission to use her boudoir pictures with the story. Great stuff…until the editor saw the images and said they were too saucy! Really – in the newspaper that has nipples on Page 3 most days, they couldn’t allow this picture of me in my corset? zsp1I was astounded (and a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to telling everyone that at the age of 44 I was going to be in The Sun!) Thank you to all our lovely clients who put themselves forward for this story…maybe another publication will be brave enough to publish our sexy portraits! If you fancy creating some gorgeous photos as a sexy gift for your partner (or just for yourself as a pick-me-up) get in touch with us for some beautiful Boudoir Photos.
